Orders will generally be shipped within 2-3 business days after receipt of full payment and depending on availability of merchandise.
Average transit times to the United States from our domestic warehouse: 2-5 business days to arrive once shipped. This is just an estimate not a guarantee, and doesn't include weekends or holidays.
Average transit times to the United States from our international warehouse 5-20 business days.
Average international transit times: 15-45 business days.
Your Style Plug is not responsible for applicable customs fees, import duties, taxes, or any other charges. The customer is responsible for the charges even if the shipment is refused upon delivery.
**To ensure that your package is properly delivered and you receive your shipment within the time frame provided by the shipper, please make sure your address is fully entered and correct. In the case of entering an incorrect shipping address, please contact us within 24 hours of when the order was placed. We will do our best to fulfill your request and change the address. If we are unable to, we do not take responsibility for the incorrect information that was entered by the customer. **